
With Everyday IPA, we wanted to create a beer with a great taste and high drinkability.
Everyday IPA is low in alcohol (5,5%), but packed with 7 powerful hops: Idaho-7, Simcoe, Mandarina Bavaria, Waimea, Citra, Azacca Cryo and a new up and coming hop variety, Talus.
Fermented with a New England yeast strain, this combination of hops and yeast results in a wonderful , hoppy smell and fruity aroma.
Hopnytized Everyday IPA delivers your daily juice!
Technical info:
Alc: 5.5 %
IBU: 50

Hopnytized Milkshake IPA is our superjuicy IPA made with Mosaic, Citra, Simcoe and Sabro hops. Sabro is a relatively new hop varriety which is known to impart a coconut aroma. To round of this smoothie of a beer we also added lactose sugar, pineapple puree and vanilla. Although this is an IPA, the addition of the lactose sugar (milk sugar) softens the bitterness, making this a highly accessible beer. Happy to let you know the beer tastes as good as it sounds !

Technical info:
Alc: 6.5 %
IBU: 40

We continue to explore new yeast and hop varieties in our Hopnytized series and with Kveik IPA, we let the special Kveik yeast strain shine.
Originally used to ferment farmhouse ales in Scandinavia, Kveik strains have shown to be excellent yeasts for IPA-style beers.
Our Kveik IPA is loaded with Idaho-7, Citra, and Sabro Cryo hops.
Technical info:
Alc: 7 %
IBU: 45

Hopnytized American IPA is a bitter, American style IPA with a very dank aroma. To achieve this we chose hops with the most resinous, piney, terpenoid smell: Simcoe, Citra and a new, superdank hop, Strata. Great for a walk in the forest !
Technical info:
Alc: 6,5%
IBU: 50

Hopnytized DIPA is made with a bouquet of superfruity hops: Galaxy, Idaho-7, El Dorado, Hallertau Blanc, Citra and Mosaic. Although the beer is quite high in alcohol (9%) and with lots of hops, it is very accesible with a cloudy, juicy appearance.
Technical info:
Alc: 9%
IBU: 67

Our core range of Enigma Beers:

Tamera was our first beer on the market. It’s a beer with a very pleasant exotic, fruity aroma which originates from the use of Citra hops. Its flavor is enhanced by the use of Candy sugar and special malts. The recipe for Tamera was finetuned over many years: more than 20 test brews were made to find the right combination of yeast and hops for optimal flavor and taste. Inspiration for the name comes from the name of the Belgian river ‘Demer’, thought to be derived from the Celtic ‘Tamera’ or ‘Tamara’, which means ‘Black River’.
Technical info:
Alc: 9%
IBU: 28

Hungry for hops ? Than get your claws out for Lupulin Monster !
Its name is inspired by lupulin, the glandular, yellow powder from the hop plant which contains resins and aromatic oils which give this beer a hoppy, highly aromatic smell.
Lupulin Monster is double-dry hopped with 5 powerfull hops for the maximum lupulin effect: citra, mosaic, amarillo, centennial and hallertau blanc.
The beer is not overpowering bitter and will appeal not only to hopheads but to a broad audience of beer lovers.
Let the beast go !
Technical info:
Alc: 7%
IBU: 45

Hopnytized NEIPA is our juicy NEIPA (8% Alc. vol, 45 IBU), double dry-hopped with Mosaic and Citra.
Superfruity in both smell and taste from the combination of hops and yeast, but not too bitter, this is a highly accesible IPA which many people will enjoy.
Technical info:
Alc: 8%
IBU: 45

El Dorado is a beer of 10% Alc. vol. (55 IBU) which combines the characteristics of a Belgian Tripel with an IPA. The result is a balanced Belgian-style Tripel-IPA where sweetness from the malts combines with bitternes from both whirlpool hopping and double dry-hopping with Hallertau Blanc, Mosaic, Citra, Azzaca, and, of course, El Dorado hops.
According to legend, El Dorado, “The Golden Man”, used to cover his body in gold dust, offering treasures to the gods in the middle of a sacred lake. Our label shows “El Dorado” offering hops to the beer drinker.
Technical info:
Alc: 10%
IBU: 55

Dragora is our light hoppy blonde beer with a perfect balance between hoppy bitterness and malty deliciousness.
The yeast used for this beer is known to enhance hop aroma and flavor so we dry-hopped our beer with 5 hops: Simcoe, Mosaic, Citra, Amarillo, and Centennial.
The result is a very fruity aroma and flavor, whereby the bitterness is not overpowering with a light bitter onset and light sweet aftertaste.
The label depicts the battle between St-Gery and a fierce dragon. According to legend, the dragon caused death and destruction in the medieval town of Brussels before being killed by St-Gery. Note that St-Gery is depicted as a brewer, fighting with mash-paddle and hops against the dragon which is guarding a cup of yeast. The battle symbolizes to us the fight the brewer has with the beer ingredients to arrive at a delicious beer.
Technical info:
Alc: 7%
IBU: 30

Ragnaröck is a 5.5 % blonde beer, ideal for quenching your thirst.
A combination of a fruity Belgian yeast and dry hopping with Citra and Mosaic hops give Ragnaröck a wonderfull smell. The addition of oats in the recipe gives this beer a creamy mouthfeel.
It’s a highly refreshing blonde beer, powerfull in taste for such low alcohol content.
The inspiration for this beer comes from Viking mythology, where Ragnarök is an epic battle between Norse gods which ultimately leeds to the end of the gods with only humans surviving and thus the creation of the current world.
For our beer, we took a slight twist to this story: Ragnaröck’s label depicts metalheads battling with guitars and drum sticks to create the fieriest guitar riffs and thundering drum rolls.
Technical info:
Alc: 5.5%
IBU: 27

Hades is our Imperial Stout, a strong, 10% beer made with 5 different malts. The beer was lagered on vanilla extract and several kilos of coconut nibbles.
The result is a delcious aroma of malt and vanilla while the flavor of the beer has a full, malty onset of taste, followed by a light bitter finish with touches of coffee and roast.
The label depicts the Lord of the Underworld from Greek mythology, Hades, enjoying a … Hades beer. Charon the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx is shown bringing Hades some barrels of beer. Cerberus, the monstrous three-headed guardian dog of Hades completes the scenery.
Technical info:
Alc: 10%
IBU: 50

Black Fuel is a dark abbey/quadrupel style beer.
The yeast used for this beer gives it a smell of banana and dark fruit, while the malt and candy sugar in the recipe impart a caramelly, light-sweet flavour at onset.
The alcohol gives the beer a warming taste while the hops avoid a too sweet aftertaste.
It is a strong beer, … after all, Black Fuel rules the world !
Technical info:
Alc: 9,5%
IBU: 29

Winter Helheim is Enigma’s Winter Beer.
It is a massive, 12% dark beer in the quadrupel style brewed with a strongly fermenting Belgian yeast. To further enhance the beer’s flavor and aroma, we lagered the beer on oak woodchips from Bourbon barrels.
Since the Santa Claus figure is strongly influenced by early Norse religion (just ask Rudolph the reindeer), we used this as inspiration for our label and name. In Norse mythology, Helheim is one of the nine worlds from which the epic battle of Ragnarök will start…
Only available in the Winter months between October and February
Technical info:
Alc: 12%
IBU: 31

Baret Tripel

Baret is a fruity Tripel of 8%.

The red Baret is the badge for the 1st battalion of paratroopers stationed, from 1953-2010, at the Citadel of Diest.
Baret Tripel was initially marketed by Brewery Bastion based in Diest, and after its acquisition by Enigma Brewery in 2024, this is now also a core Enigma beer

Technical info:
Alc: 8%
IBU: 21

Luvanium Blond

Luvanium blond is a beer full of tradition, inspired by the famous Leuven beer from the 18th century that was immensely popular in the low countries. Dr. J.B. Vrancken then described the beer as ‘exceptionally soft, with a unique aroma and blessed with an exquisite taste palette’. Because of its exceptional taste, the beer became the king of all drinks throughout the Austrian Netherlands. Inspired by the old brewer’s manuals this forgotten beer was revived under the new name ‘Luvanium Blond’. Based on the original ingredients and old taste descriptions, this unique beer is characterized by a soft taste.
Luvanium Blond was initially marketed by Brouwhuys De Vaart from Zemst, and after its acquisition by Enigma Brewery in 2024, this is now also a core Enigma beer.

Luvanium Tripel

For centuries, Leuven has been known for its beer and its students. In the 18th century, the Leuven students even had their own beer: called the Canjakker or College Beer. Luvanium Tripel was inspired by this exclusive beer that was drunk by students within the colleges and was known for its powerful flavour and composition.
The Canjakker could only be drunk within the 18th century Catholic colleges where the students resided. With meals, during off hours or on holidays, this noble barley beer was served to ensure that students did not go to the local drinking establishments or ‘cabarets’, but would drift within the walls of the college
stay. The students themselves would have been closely involved in malting the grains and brewing of the beer.
Luvanium Tripel was initially marketed by Brouwhuys De Vaart from Zemst, and after its acquisition by Enigma Brewery in 2024, this is now also a core Enigma beer.

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